Currently Not Taking Order For Mattress Ticking Haversack For both Confederate and Civilian Use.
Currently Not Taking Order For
Sorry we are not taking orders for MTHS at this time due to lack of the correct material. We are in the process of locating more of the hard to find material and will take orders again as soon as possible. Thank you.
Mattress Ticking Haversack-Unpainted mattress ticking cloth bag for both Confederate and Civilian use. The bag is made of hard to find old fashion, wide blue and white stripped, mattress ticking. The rectangular shaped flap closes with a Georgia Depot style wood button. The buttons are hand made in our shop of kiln-dried native hardwoods and are oil finished in their natural color.
Sorry we are not taking orders for MTHS at this time due to lack of the correct material. We are in the process of locating more of the hard to find material and will take orders again as soon as possible. Thank you.