U. S. Priority Shipping for BSCK Plus One Pair Of Brass Tipped Round Cord Black Laces
Best Buy! One Pair Brass Tipped Round Cord Black Laces Plus Complete Boot & Shoe Care Kit
Perfect For Living History Enthusiasts, Museums and Historic Sites. Regular use of these products on your leather will help insure longer service.
Laces- One Pair of 33 Inch Long Brass Tipped Round Cord Black Laces
These are hard to find brass tipped, waxed cotton, round cord laces. These 33 inch long laces have brass tips or aglets* that are created by rolling and crimping a small piece of sheet brass directly onto the laces. Missouri Boot and Shoe has an original hand crimping tool and hand crimps each tip in place on the cord. These are great for women's shoe, walking shoes and other styles calling for round cord lace.
*Aglet or aiglet from Old French aguillette or aiguillette meaning needle. An aglet is a small plastic or metal sheath used on each end of a shoelace to keep the fibers of the lace or cord from unraveling; its firmness and narrow profile make it easier to hold the lace and feed it through the eyelets.
These are the same top quality Brass Tipped Round Cord Black Laces we send out in our custom made footwear that require brass round cord laces. Having an extra pair on hand to replace damaged or worn laces can keep your footwear looking and working great for you.
Complete Boot & Shoe Care Kit
Each Shoe Care Kit Contains:
1 - Large Can of Huberd's Shoe Grease
1 - Large Can of Lincoln Stain Wax
1 - Large Can of Fiebing's Saddle Soap
1 - Wooden Handled Horse Hair Brush
One Pair Brass Tipped Black Round Cord Laces & The Complete Boot & Shoe Care Kit Only $45.00